Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 139, Aug 25, 2011

Pigeons waiting for their food:

I got to talk to the trainer of these pigeons during one of those days when he was feeding the birds in the afternoon. He mentioned how it was his idea to have pigeons here in this makeshift plaza, to try and replicate the pigeon feeding experience that they have in Italy.

I then noticed that the suggested bird feeding time was 7am and 4pm - and I'm sure, after months of being fed this way, the birds get conditioned to such a schedule. My concern though, is that I don't see this guy - the pigeon trainer anymore, and the pigeons don't seem to be getting their morning food rations these days. I mean, what else would be the reason for them to swoop down and wait - not minding the people - and in fact, hoping they get tossed a morsel or two for food? how diligent is the pigeon feeding in the Piazza these days?

Sure, these pigeons look fat which might mean they're getting fed - but not in the manner they might be used to. This was the morning scene I noticed (no training, remember?) as I hung around the Piazza while waiting for lunch with some colleagues, and the opening of Fully Booked in the Fort. Seeing this - plus the possible fact that these pigeons may not be fed if people don't get food; now in sachets - (are these now for sale?) if people don't get these sachets.

Hopefully, I'm just wrong with my observations - else these pigeons will just leave. Conditioning not withstanding, they will need to survive and migrate elsewhere where food is more abundant.

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