Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 132, Aug 18, 2011

Comics this August (batch 2):

They may not look too many - and that's because I try to get them at a slower pace than usual - but truth be told, its also because for this particular moment anyway, there were not too many comics that piqued my interest.

But even then, this seems like a good enough number. Of the 12 titles I got today, five of them are Fear Itself connected - I mean, heck... if you collect Marvel, there are just a few not affected by this event... and event that isn't too keen on its antagonist's purpose - but who knows? It (meaning the explanation) might be just around the corner. That said, the Iron Age was a good read - and so is the current arc of X-force... which I backtracked by getting an earlier issue. SHIELD is a must read - it may be a bit hard to jump into at this time, in which case, if the trade comes out, I strongly recommend it. The X-men issue was also a nice read... Herc not so. Did I already say that Avengers Academy is always a great read? If not - it is.

Why was this batch separate from the previous one? As I said... different comic shops - or at least, it this case, different branches.

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