Some New - some recent:
This batch represents a combination of new and fairly recent issues - the new ones would be Batman, the Justice League, Green Lanter Corps, the Avengers issues, the X-men issues, and the Fear Itself tie ins. Meanwhile, the fairly recent ones would be Nightwing and Catwoman, plus my catch up moment with the revamped Wonder Woman.
What can I say about this batch? The Batman issues are a bit confusing when placed together into one (hopefully) easily fit bunch - but they don't seem to be as tightly molded as the editors want them to think. I was most curious about how they'd treat Nightwing... after all, for nearly several years (real time) he wore the mantle of the Bat - and he did it quite well with the new Robin too. Yet in a panel of Batman, when Bruce Wayne is talking - as Dick, Tim and Damien listen, you could clearly see a great size and height difference between Bruce and Dick. I mean, huh? Isn't Dick almost the height of Bruce? He would have to be to pull of being Batman in Bruce's absence. Minor complaint aside, I'm starting to realize which titles I will be sticking with for the duration - and the ones I will definitely drop. Nightwing is one that I'm continuing. As for Catwoman... I'll still see. I mean, aside from the usual sexiness - I've yet to see where this title is going. Wonder Woman... I'm sorry to say, may be one I will drop soon... likewise on the Green Lantern Corps.
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