Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 286, Jan 19, 2012

Piazza's Food Adventure:

I was invited (by way of Jinkee) to the Marketing launch of this promo where for Php600 anyone would get to sample dishes from 14 establishments...  invited were bloggers - and Jinkee thought of me because 1) I blog... and 2) this was happening in the Piazza - and I happen to be teaching in Campus One (literally a stone's throw away from the Piazza).

After my class, I went straight to Piazza and discovered that Jinkee was already there and registered. I then went to the registration booth, got the necessary items (passport and wristband), got escorted to a table and proceeded to experience my very first foodie sampling and review.

This was definitely a gastronomic encounter, and I'm sure this evening set me back a bit with my exercise regimen... but hey, how often does this come one's way? Naturally, I intend to blog about this by writing about the program - and writing about my experience with the different dishes, this way... I can spread the word - as it is.

I hope there will be future instances of these launches where I get invited - be they food or other products. After all, I like taking pictures and writing about stuff, so I will most likely enjoy such launches - and lets not forget whatever freebies that may come our way with the marketing kit. Once I have my blog entries done, I'll post links in my FB page.

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