Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 269, Jan 02, 2012

Same old... same old:

Yup, one of the things I plan on doing consistently this 2012 is still collecting, reading and enjoying comics, after all... what was once looked upon as a useless waste of time is now seen as an actual avenue for future Holywood hits - we have but to look at what's in store this year. Batman: Dark Knight Rising and The Avengers being two prime examples of such ideas - and yes, its obvious that they're both from comics.

That said, I definitely enjoyed reading my latest batch of comics... ones that I purchased a few days before the new year - but  only got to sit back  and read this 2nd day of January, only after things have somewhat settled down in terms of holiday activities, reunions and the likes. Most in this picture represent the 4th month of the revamped DC, and I'm definitely trimming my list - but mainstays will most likely be the Batman-related titles, I mean they're all great... in fact, should I be asked to cite favorites, I'd say Nightwing, Red Hood and Birds of Prey. Batman and Batgirl come in after those - in fact, the only non-Bat related titles I see myself getting on a regular basis are 'GL', 'Aquaman' and 'I, Vampire'. The rest, I can opt to drop.

On the Marvel front, I finally read the end of the Dark Angel saga - wonderful arc... on I will get should they come up with a deluxe compilation. Forgettable issue here is the Avengers. I like that its events are tight with the other Avengers title... but the pacing and characterization are uninspiring... but then again, that's Bendis' writing for you. Guess that's another thing that won't change.

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