Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 267, Dec 31, 2011

Traditional welcome:

Every day before New Year, it has become a family tradition to have round fruits on the table - at least one fruit representing a month of the coming year... more if possible (specially for the superstitious sort who won't want 13 fruits).

Whether this can be traced to a custom or cultural practice, or whether this is just one hell of a marketing spin for fruit retailers - I don't really know. However, it doesn't hurt to have the fruits on the table - and we do get to eat some healthy stuff  as the New Year starts, so this is fine, as traditions go.

The four glasses at the foreground have the following, and are representative of the following meanings -  rice, to represent having food, salt representing the spice in life, sugar for sweetness, and cotton representing lightness (or a problem free life). The chocolate coins are a new addition - again, representing luck and fortune - and sweetness as well.  The drink tower is just that... a container for drinks, so we need not grow thirsty in 2012 - at least, not thirsty for  lack of drinks. After all, it is alright to be thirsty for knowledge, right?

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