Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 30, May 09, 2011

Curious and playful Jude:

Here's a picture of Jude Brent and me during our  visit to the Buenaobras in Cavite yesterday.

I decided to bring my laptop, so I could surf the internet while there, and Jude... after having had sufficient time waking up, started zeroing in on my laptop.

Apparently, he was curious to see what was happening in the monitor - guess to him it was a new TV to experiment with. Being slightly shy of my presence, he starts with a game of hide and seek - as seen here... which slowly becomes a 'can I hold your laptop?' (not shown here - but it is the actual reason why I'm touching my laptop monitor... to sort of dissuade him from doing just that - and avoiding a possible accident with him pulling my laptop all the way to the floor.

All in all, it was a cool action-reaction kind of game that lasted for at least 5 minutes - until the time Jude realized he won't be getting anywhere with his attempts to commandeer my laptop.

Still, it does makes a cute picture. Bernice took this, as she was likewise enjoying the game Jude and I were playing.

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