Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 19, April 28, 2011

Capiz Windows:

In the olden times (as in my grandparent's times - I think) these windows would be a regular design pattern for most houses inspired by Spanish architecture and local materials. The capiz, as a window adornment was nti just stylish, but functional.

Later, when wooden houses gave way to the more durable cemented walls and glass windows, these capiz designs would endure in provinces - but their preferences and visibility were obviously connected to ancestral houses... and the capiz window would slowly fade from everyone's collective memories. Last I saw these type of windows was from a friend's house in San Juan - and yes, it was an old house... a bygone (and now gone) reminder to a more elegant time. Back then, since the capiz windows were old, they projected age... and a weathered look. In fact, the house was torn down to make way for a high rise condominium.

Shift now to 2011, and the capiz window seems to have gained a resurgence for elegant anachronism - and people who see it are reminded of simpler days. My seeing it in a relatively new Starbucks, was a nice surprise, and it elicited memories of having comfort and elegance. Definitely something to glance favorably at... both shade to the harsh sunlight, and fashion statement contrasting to the urban jungle's predominant look.

I, for one, am glad it's come back.

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