Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 29, May 08, 2011

Hammer time!

Yup these were the Thor tickets - proof positive that we did indeed watch Thor - in 3D.

So how was it? Well, if I weren't nitpicky, I'd say I enjoyed the movie for its fast paced, light hearten story - and that it was nice to see Thor in an actual live action (with CGI generated images) movie.

Chris Hemsworht gave a credible rendition of Thor, and the only change I did not find necessary was turning the character of Jane Foster (played by Natalie Portman) from nurse to doctor (int he comics) to a doctor of Physics.They also got rid of the Don Blake persona - so I guess they need not have paid for another actor.

But I did like the fight scenes with the Destroyer - and whoa, this destroyer can really be flexible when stuck - I didn't see that coming... but great idea. Another great idea was Thor using Mjolnir to keep Loki in place (rather quick thinking of Thor too, considering that the enchantment was just recently placed by Odin, but yeah... it was a cool move.

Overall, it wasnt' something that made me leap up and shout "Excelsior!" or "Yeah!", but I must say that the movie was worth watching... even Barbie liked it. You might be asking why just three tickets? Simple, Bernice had to go to a classmate's place, so she had some schedule conflicts - but she shrugged it off as simply saying, she'll watch it when it comes out in DVD. 

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