Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 324 Feb 26, 2012

New gadget:

Some may say it would be bad timing to get an iPad these days - what with the iPad 3 rumored to be released in a few weeks - but to Barbie and me, we did not really think of this. It was simply the thought of thinking if we needed one; and I can honestly say I can use one (better than surfing the net with my cell phone and squinting at the small text). Timing-wise, I'm also coming off from paying for Bryce's laptop - and besides, having this will allow all four of us (Barbie, Bryce, Bernice and me) to surf the net via WiFi.

So welcome to our household iPad... its been a long time coming, but its not as if this is the first Apple hardware we have. After all, I count at least three different iPods (of shapes and sizes). Still, this may very well be our largest Apple tool to date (not just in size consideration) with its 64MB capacity. Honestly speaking, I don't know if the memory is too much or just enough - guess I'll find out soon enough.

Meanwhile, there's nothing like opening an Apple box for the very first time and appreciate the stylishness of the box - opening the box is, in itself an experience... great simplicity, minimalism and cleanliness - perfect reflection to the iPad itself. I wonder if anyone noticed this as they opened their iPad boxes.

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