Tess in action:
Today found me conducting Application Testing School with Tess - and sort of playing catch up with what's been happening since we last saw each other. No, we didn't go on any vacation - its just that with me having conducts either in McKinley or Robinson's Cyber buildings - it would be so easy not to see each other for some time, even if we'd share some common faculty area - which we don't.
I definitely like partnering with Tess - she's thorough when it comes to teaching and she also has her usual snacks on the side... so I get to taste them too. Her thoroughness irons out the kinks in a class' knowledge in (at least, in this case) testing, thus making my role as co-facilitator that much easier.
Tess is also a perfectionist - and it is just lately that she has decided not to complain anymore, on the premise that her comments are not taken seriously - assuming they are taken, at all. Too bad - Tess is a font of knowledge, and people would do well to heed her comments - even if they'e not in agreement ot these.
My Project 365. in case you need an explanation - here's the gist: A photo a day to remind you of how you spent the day... plus a little description on the side. This one is mine... simple as that.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Day 163, Sept 18, 2011
Tips and tricks:
These are the two magazines I collect, peruse and study with regards to style, te3chniques and great articles - and lets not forget stunning pictures.
Yup... I had an FB conversation with Annie Ong just recently, and it started when I got a query from her - out of the blue, asking what camera I use. Though our conversation ended up with us thinking that one of these days, we'd take photos together, I wonder just when this ever would be possible.
Still, I practice - and continue to do so, by lugging my camera around - just in case... ever ready for that opportunity to capture pics of events happening, or of items worth preserving with a photograph.
Yup, i-mag and digital photography are the two locally published - but greatly conceptualized magazines. I definitely look at the pictures - sometimes wondering how I could replicate certain shots - and to their credit, these photographers do share their picture-taking moments upon capturing said photos. So yeah... lessons learned, techniques picked up and skills polished.
These are the two magazines I collect, peruse and study with regards to style, te3chniques and great articles - and lets not forget stunning pictures.
Yup... I had an FB conversation with Annie Ong just recently, and it started when I got a query from her - out of the blue, asking what camera I use. Though our conversation ended up with us thinking that one of these days, we'd take photos together, I wonder just when this ever would be possible.
Still, I practice - and continue to do so, by lugging my camera around - just in case... ever ready for that opportunity to capture pics of events happening, or of items worth preserving with a photograph.
Yup, i-mag and digital photography are the two locally published - but greatly conceptualized magazines. I definitely look at the pictures - sometimes wondering how I could replicate certain shots - and to their credit, these photographers do share their picture-taking moments upon capturing said photos. So yeah... lessons learned, techniques picked up and skills polished.
Day 162, Sept 17, 2011
Drew who?
I'm serious. I've never heard of Drew Struzan until I saw this book in Fully Booked - positioned right below the front of the cashier's desk/table. I, of course, recognize the characters and posters in the front cover of Drew's book - and being a frustrated movie poster collector (it never flew off yet... but I hope to get to these some time soon), I knew a great piece of movie poster work when I saw one... and boy, does Drew (or should I say 'did' since Drew's officially retired from doing these kinds posters) draw great posters.
Well, I was visibly intrigued enough, so I decided to purchase this hardbound coffee table book - and yes, it is a very good coffee table book - meaning had I a great coffee table, I would not hesitate displaying this book, along with a few others, on the coffee table.
My only concern, should I ever have one, is the fact that this book (and possibly the others I intend to display with this) will be too tempting a piece to borrow... and I would have to turn down such requests. After all, I see coffee table books as conversation pieces, or maybe a welcome entertaining distraction as one awaits another - be it for an appointment or just a plain social activity. Yeah... looks like I'm subconsciously collecting coffee table books before said posters - after all, you need not frame these books - but I would surely have them covered with plastic first.
I'm serious. I've never heard of Drew Struzan until I saw this book in Fully Booked - positioned right below the front of the cashier's desk/table. I, of course, recognize the characters and posters in the front cover of Drew's book - and being a frustrated movie poster collector (it never flew off yet... but I hope to get to these some time soon), I knew a great piece of movie poster work when I saw one... and boy, does Drew (or should I say 'did' since Drew's officially retired from doing these kinds posters) draw great posters.
Well, I was visibly intrigued enough, so I decided to purchase this hardbound coffee table book - and yes, it is a very good coffee table book - meaning had I a great coffee table, I would not hesitate displaying this book, along with a few others, on the coffee table.
My only concern, should I ever have one, is the fact that this book (and possibly the others I intend to display with this) will be too tempting a piece to borrow... and I would have to turn down such requests. After all, I see coffee table books as conversation pieces, or maybe a welcome entertaining distraction as one awaits another - be it for an appointment or just a plain social activity. Yeah... looks like I'm subconsciously collecting coffee table books before said posters - after all, you need not frame these books - but I would surely have them covered with plastic first.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Day 161, Sept 16, 2011
Gina's new place:
Gina found a great place to live in - giving her and her family all the needed space; as compared to where they lived for nearly a year - and with this new spacious place came the possibility of once again having Bacardi Nights at her place (last time this happened was pre-Ondoy, so roughly two years ago).
So when we were all tasked to be in Cybermall this Friday evening, we did just that - that is, decide to hold a Bacardi night at her place... and naturally, the usual suspects came (clockwise from left: Marie, Jingo, Brian, Gina, Sheila, Marimel, Fiel and Mon - with me holding the camera naturally). So yeah, once again, the Pasig chapter of our Bacardi nights has opened shop.
Gina found a great place to live in - giving her and her family all the needed space; as compared to where they lived for nearly a year - and with this new spacious place came the possibility of once again having Bacardi Nights at her place (last time this happened was pre-Ondoy, so roughly two years ago).
So when we were all tasked to be in Cybermall this Friday evening, we did just that - that is, decide to hold a Bacardi night at her place... and naturally, the usual suspects came (clockwise from left: Marie, Jingo, Brian, Gina, Sheila, Marimel, Fiel and Mon - with me holding the camera naturally). So yeah, once again, the Pasig chapter of our Bacardi nights has opened shop.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Day 160, Sept 15, 2011
As a kid, I was introduced to C-rations, the U.S. military's mission ready food items - ones they brought with them to their sorties. What I liked about them back then was the fact that they came complete with meal, snacks and even dessert - oh yeah, and since they were in cans (thus the term c-rations), each pack had a really small, but highly usable can opener.
Back then, I couldn't wait to open a c-ration to taste what was inside. However, since our relatives in Clark, Pampanga, left - the supply of c-rations had stopped. But once in a while, I still stumbled upon them - specially when I was (some time in the mid-80s) into military stuff (jacket, equipment, etc...) and I even got to introduce the concept to Barbie and her family one time... though I don't think they were in cans anymore.
Time jump to the present and Barbie and I stumbled upon a local store that had a few MREs (as they are referred to now, meaning Mission Ready-to-Eat), and I can't wait to sink my teeth into them - and oh yeah, introduce them to my kids this time. We got two packs - and I hope that this store has more, so I can buy in the future... maybe even give a few to my mom to show her how these things look now.
They're definitely an improvement from the bulkier and noisier canned ones - but will they taste better? Hmmm... only one way to find out.
As a kid, I was introduced to C-rations, the U.S. military's mission ready food items - ones they brought with them to their sorties. What I liked about them back then was the fact that they came complete with meal, snacks and even dessert - oh yeah, and since they were in cans (thus the term c-rations), each pack had a really small, but highly usable can opener.
Back then, I couldn't wait to open a c-ration to taste what was inside. However, since our relatives in Clark, Pampanga, left - the supply of c-rations had stopped. But once in a while, I still stumbled upon them - specially when I was (some time in the mid-80s) into military stuff (jacket, equipment, etc...) and I even got to introduce the concept to Barbie and her family one time... though I don't think they were in cans anymore.
Time jump to the present and Barbie and I stumbled upon a local store that had a few MREs (as they are referred to now, meaning Mission Ready-to-Eat), and I can't wait to sink my teeth into them - and oh yeah, introduce them to my kids this time. We got two packs - and I hope that this store has more, so I can buy in the future... maybe even give a few to my mom to show her how these things look now.
They're definitely an improvement from the bulkier and noisier canned ones - but will they taste better? Hmmm... only one way to find out.
Day 159, Sept 14, 2011
Papa John's Pizza:
I've been curious about Papa John's for quite some time now - always wanting to find time to try this place. Obviously, it's a pizza joint, and since I do like pizza, well... lets just say it was just a matter of time before I got to try this place.
Problem it (Papa John's location) is not in the most convenient place in Greenhills, and its not as if the place has parking within its vicinity. In other words, its just not that accessible to your usual Greenhills shopping center patrons... and out of sight is most frequently out of mind. Well the chance to try Papa John's finally happened as Barbie and I had to wait for Bernice to finish her extra curricular activity... so, while waiting, we decided to try the place - and see what if offered.
The pizza we got was great - a sea food with white sauce concoction, and this is where we learned that their pizza normally comes with dip. Intriguing... and yet, it works. Overall, it was a great experience = price was very reasonable, and had we the opportunity to do this again, we would definitely not mind doing so.
I've been curious about Papa John's for quite some time now - always wanting to find time to try this place. Obviously, it's a pizza joint, and since I do like pizza, well... lets just say it was just a matter of time before I got to try this place.
Problem it (Papa John's location) is not in the most convenient place in Greenhills, and its not as if the place has parking within its vicinity. In other words, its just not that accessible to your usual Greenhills shopping center patrons... and out of sight is most frequently out of mind. Well the chance to try Papa John's finally happened as Barbie and I had to wait for Bernice to finish her extra curricular activity... so, while waiting, we decided to try the place - and see what if offered.
The pizza we got was great - a sea food with white sauce concoction, and this is where we learned that their pizza normally comes with dip. Intriguing... and yet, it works. Overall, it was a great experience = price was very reasonable, and had we the opportunity to do this again, we would definitely not mind doing so.
Day 157, Sept 12, 2011

This continues the series of pictures I've been taking of my colleagues - wiht the help of my zoom lens. This time, though, the lens' focus comes to Fiel - a long time colleague spanning back to the Primary Edge days.
Fiel handles such training as Analysis, Design, PM, and can even tackle Java and .Net programming courses when he needs to. In fact, Fiel can be considered a bona fide professor - as he is teaching in the academe. I would say that Fiel's dedication to his craft (teaching and training IT-related courses) stems from the fact that this seems to be his life - granted, he also has projects on the side, but he seems more partial to teaching/training.
He also demands a high regard to being able to deliver the courses as expected - with great research and quality - and can be seen as the group's (meaning PhoenixOne's) subject matter expert of most Accetnure-taught IT-related courses
Once is a while, like today, Fiel and I find ourselves assigned to do some tandem teaching, and this time, its for the PM school. By the way, he normally doesn't look this way - as he more often than not comes across as a seriously looking person.
Day 158, Sept 13, 2011

Whenever I give Bubbles a chew-able cookie, she (in an almost human-like gesture) would hold the cookie as demonstrated in the picture... and yes, at this vantage point, it seems like she is at prayer - but then again who knows? Maybe she is... after all, dogs probably have a way of praying that we don't know of - that is, until we learn to speak their style. .
The treat that Bubbles is eating with gusto is a breath freshener / gum cleaner and the reason why its green colored is because its green tea flavored (at least. that's what the labeling of said snack said)... so yeah, the dog is quite pampered.
I try to give the doggies (meaning Buffy and Bubbles) these kind of snacks at least once a month.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Day 156, Sept 11, 2011

Yup this is three generations of Buenaboras on the couch (and in my picture of course), as we... that is, Barnie, Bernice and I, visited Cavite so Barbie could check in on her family - more specifically, her dad; who's not really recovering well to Cancer.
In fact, this picture is so deceptive as both Barbie and her mom are definitely affected by what's happening - and yet, they find time to smile for the camera. Amazing how people can find strength in face of certain adversity, huh?
What makes this picture priceless, though, is Jude Brent's smile (if we can call it that) to the camera - another testament to how great Barbie's folks help shape their grand children... specially since Bea, Jude's mom, had to go back to Dubai to work for both her, and Jude's future.
Barbie might say that this visit was to offer some comfort to her dad (and her mom), but honestly, it seems more like they've offered me (without knowing it) a glimpse of their family's strength - they are an inspiration, and I'm glad they accepted me into their family a little over two decades past.
Day 155, Sept 10, 2011

I bought these CDs so I could play relaxing music in the car whenever I would be driving - specially in traffic anticipated hours.
The reason is obvious... the mellow music keeps me from road rage, due ot the heavy traffic and the more often than not, regular encounters with abusive drivers ( a pet peeve of mine) - be they private vehicle drivers or public transportation drivers. After all, losing my patience will not do me any good - and may even lead me to a rash action, and a traffic altercation.
Nope... better ot stay cool as I listen to some classic tunes, light rock, bossa nova renditions - all helping me relax and not have any high blood pressure while driving. Yeah... these CDs are also considered a bargain for their price, so that sweetened the deciding factor of whether I would get them or not. Obviously, I did get them.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Day 154, Sept 9, 2011
These are two of my old friends - and I'm not just talking age factor (at least, not without incriminating myself), but the fact that these two guys have been College friends means that we've known each other for the better part of - oh... 20 years (yikes! but true).
More so when I consider my friendship with Rudy, which hails back to grade school days, and I'd easily add another decade and a half into the picture. Whoa... man have we known each other long. There were years, though, that I would not see them - and its been just recent (as in this year), that we've made it a point to be semi-regularly in touch with each other by going out at least once a month to places like Dillinger's to have some drinks and enjoy greta food (steaks and sausages).
Of course, as friends, we know when the other is pulling our leg - as what seems to the be case in this picture, where Rudy's facial expression seems to connote his skepticism with what John is telling him. We're hoping to increase the number of guys into this gathering, but we can't seem to contact the others yet - oh well... some other night. Meanwhile, we enjoy great music as well during these get togethers - and if John will have his way, maybe a little more variety soon (by way of board games), yeah... once in a while, we let our inner child out too.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Day 153, Sept 8, 2011
This entire week has been a free week for me with respect to not having any training assignment - and part of the reason for this is that I'm expected to study for a new course - one that I feel won't have any participants any time soon - not because its a lousy course, but because its too long a course to be takne by the people that needs it the most... namely the Analysts.
Let me explain why I think this way... a) most projects with the necessary targeted people will find it difficult to find five days so that their staff will be freed up from the project and/or work, to be able to attend said training. b) from how I understand things these days, people are asked to take their training when they have free time (i.e. non-chargeable time), and i may not know the entire mechanics of this - but I do know that people are now asked to sacrifice their free time (leaves or Saturdays?) to do this. Neither situation gets people up and thinking that they can take the training whenever they need it - so rather than promoting the attendance to any training, the effect is that people are dissuaded from attending such training - if they feel dissuaded with this on your typical one to two-day course... what more the 5-day one?
Until people are allowed to attend training without repercussions from their Senior Exec/PM or whoever else is the project leadership, people will think twice about training... and attendance will not be as strong as before - where attending training was par for the course. Until that happens again, I'm afraid this particular training will not be chosen.
I hope I'm wrong.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Day 152, Sept 7, 2011
Actually the place is Chili's and the cravings was for (of all things) buffalo wings and naturally, some blue cheese dip. Who had the craving? Why Barbie did... and as far as cravings go, I liked them too - but to eat them two days in a row? (yesterday was in Yellow Cab Pizza), well... it can get rather monotonous.
Still, this little dish had more than just chicken wings, it also had at least two more dishes (their names escape me at the moment) - and all of them were good. So I didn't really mind getting the chicken wings a second time - but compared to yesterday's servings, these were seemingly a lot more. Oh yeah, I also ate most of those celery sticks - once again, with the blue cheese dip.
Actually the place is Chili's and the cravings was for (of all things) buffalo wings and naturally, some blue cheese dip. Who had the craving? Why Barbie did... and as far as cravings go, I liked them too - but to eat them two days in a row? (yesterday was in Yellow Cab Pizza), well... it can get rather monotonous.
Still, this little dish had more than just chicken wings, it also had at least two more dishes (their names escape me at the moment) - and all of them were good. So I didn't really mind getting the chicken wings a second time - but compared to yesterday's servings, these were seemingly a lot more. Oh yeah, I also ate most of those celery sticks - once again, with the blue cheese dip.
Day 151, Sept 6, 2011

Yes, I'm at Bo's coffee again - thought this time, its the one in the Mall of Asia - so yeah... different venue, but same great coffee taste.
What was I doing here? Simple - as I have not yet been given any training for the week, at the pretext of my needing to prepare for Application Analysis - the 5 day version, I found myself with a lot of free time - hence I accompanied Barbie to this vicinity so she could talk to a client.
Meanwhile, I'm left with nothing to do but roam around the Mall of Asia - and with so many things to lug around. I had my laptop, my camera, the latest Songs. of Ice and Fire book - yes, that thick and heavy one, plus a few trade comic collections.
Barbie, of course, did not really stay for too long - an hour, maybe two... no problem, as I cam prepared anyway. All I needed was a place to pass the time - preferably, one that was quiet... and Bo's was it. I came from lunch, and needed coffee to perk me up - the cake was just a curiosity... meaning I was curious about and therefore needed to taste it. Ended up staying for the most part of two hours here... but at least, I did not get too tired walking around - even got to buy myself a few new pair of socks.
Day 150, Sept 5, 2011

These two trees - against a cloudless sky, connotes an image of Summer - in fact, I won't be surprised if one's imagination would carry them to the last beach they went to - assuming said beach had coconut trees in said beach or at near proximity anyway.
One could even go so far as imagine being is said place with friends or loved ones... such is the power of imagination - thus giving truth to the statement that a picture can be worth a thousand words... or stories.
That is why I cut the trees to just the top... because had I shown the bottom part as well, then the illusion would be shattered - realizing that these trees were in fact at the very heart of the metropolis... in fact, it is in the compound of Barbie's office - Johnson and Johnson... and not even in the garden, but by the driveway. Yup... the truth is so ordinary.
Isn't the imagination version then a whole lot better? Imagine away then...
Day 149, Sept 4, 2011

I used my zoom lens to capture this picture without getting the kids camera conscious - and to ensure they remain generic, I was able to make their faces seem unclear (although the latter part was a happy accident, mind you).
But one thing this picture does not clearly show is the fact that this is basically high noon with the sun blazing hot - hence the general reason why the play area is relatively abandoned, with exception to these two. That said, I do marvel at the fact that these kids are playing regardless of time or temperature - but then again, yeah... I was definitely a kid once - would I do this? Maybe not - I mean, I could be a rather hard headed kid - but I would tow the line in hot weather.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Day 148, Sept 3, 2011
Naturally, I exaggerate... there was hardly a ton of these things - but four orders of such will definitely look a lot on your typical tray.
So why so many?
Simple, we passed by a McDonalds on the way home from Greenhills feeling somewhat hungry (it was technically afternoon snack time a.k.a. merienda) and we decided to have some value meals - Barbie and the kids had Chicken sandwiches, I had the Fish Fillet sandwich - all our orders came with a free drink and fries. Believe me when I say, we got to finish these with room for desserts - and yes, it was a sinfully (calorie-conscious wise) good snack to have with the family... then again, its the company that makes it worth the eating as well.,, and I can't have better company than my family.
Day 147, Sept 2, 2011
In the Northern American hemisphere, this may not be so ordinary, but to find one in Manila? Well why not?
The Inukshuk, after all, is a set of stones organized to look somewhat humanoid - as indication that people were here where you pass now - more a sign for others passing desolated locales, this was meant to be a sing of good hunting or fishing by the Inuit people - or simply landmarks for wayfarers - to guide them to the right path.
This particular cairn (as how some people refer to it) is at the heart of the SM Mall of Asia - a cultural gift from the people of Canada to us. Cool ay?
In the Northern American hemisphere, this may not be so ordinary, but to find one in Manila? Well why not?
The Inukshuk, after all, is a set of stones organized to look somewhat humanoid - as indication that people were here where you pass now - more a sign for others passing desolated locales, this was meant to be a sing of good hunting or fishing by the Inuit people - or simply landmarks for wayfarers - to guide them to the right path.
This particular cairn (as how some people refer to it) is at the heart of the SM Mall of Asia - a cultural gift from the people of Canada to us. Cool ay?
Day 146, Sept 1, 2011
Weave pattern:
This happens to be a chair's side and as impressive as the chair might be designed, its the small matters that add to its elegance. Take this weave pattern for example...
It's composed of smaller threads weaved together to form strings and then, somehow weaved together once again to form bands of woven matter... which is then used ot make the chair's arm and back rests.
So as you can see, even the minute aspects of this chair were done with care - and in the process, we now admire the craftsmanship of these chairs. There's a lesson somewhere in this, but rather than delve in it, I'll just sit back and enjoy lounging in said chair.
Yeah, one more thing... I wanted to come up with some macro shots so I experimented with this this pattern.
This happens to be a chair's side and as impressive as the chair might be designed, its the small matters that add to its elegance. Take this weave pattern for example...
It's composed of smaller threads weaved together to form strings and then, somehow weaved together once again to form bands of woven matter... which is then used ot make the chair's arm and back rests.
So as you can see, even the minute aspects of this chair were done with care - and in the process, we now admire the craftsmanship of these chairs. There's a lesson somewhere in this, but rather than delve in it, I'll just sit back and enjoy lounging in said chair.
Yeah, one more thing... I wanted to come up with some macro shots so I experimented with this this pattern.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Day 145, Aug 31, 2011
Love is...
Corinthians 13 happened to be the reading we (that is, Barbie and I) had in our wedding... it was the choice reading as suggested to us by Father Reuter when we asked him to officiate our wedding. So when I saw this little note holder on the table I sat by at Mary Grace Rockwell, Pasig - I was pleasantly surprised, and as I was looking for something to become my picture representing today for this project 365, I thought this would be perfect for said photo of the day.
The Mary Grace here was not just a stand or kiosk - but a full blown bakery shop, cafe and snack place. barbie had known about this and as I was waiting for her, I decided to wait in Mary Grace and try their grilled ensymada with hot (thick) chocolate. This may very well be the first Mary Grace coffee shop and restaurant - who knows? But what I can say is that the place is cozy, well decorated and the colors somehow remind me of Christmas - I would have taken more pictures, but was wary if such a think was allowed - not that they stopped me from taking pictures of my food, or anything - but I sort of ate the food before the camera could be fixed.
Oh well... this note holder was the important item to be taken for that day, so I don't mind not having pictures of my food - maybe next time.
Day 144, Aug 30, 2011
I been seeing this shop in Greenhills' shopping Center - one that caters to the needs of dogs, be it shampoo, shelter, leashes and clothes... and the latter got my attention, specially when I remember Buffy feeling cold whenever she slept in our airconditioned room.
So I asked the people there if they had a shirt of an over-sized Dachshund, after all, Buffy is a bit larger than your average pure breed, but the store clerks did not need to know that - they just needed to know the breed.
They gave me a shirt that was relatively thick (hence warm), and I decided to get it since it was reasonably priced anyway. So when we (my family and I) finally arrived home, I immediately asked Bryce to try the shirt on Buffy. Result? Fits like a glove - and Buffy initially thought it was a form of punishment (at least, as far as her expression seemed to me), but later that evening, she was pleasantly warm... so mission accomplished.
Just one minor item though... when Barbie saw Buffy wearing the shirt she commented that Buffy looked like a boy - guess its because of the color. Unfortunately, there was little choice in the matter - but I'll look and see if there are more feminine colors for Buffy to wear next time. For now, this will do - after all, its just for sleeping... and I've always been a comfort over fashion guy... function over form. Besides, I don't hear Buffy complaining - he he he.
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