Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 30, May 09, 2011

Curious and playful Jude:

Here's a picture of Jude Brent and me during our  visit to the Buenaobras in Cavite yesterday.

I decided to bring my laptop, so I could surf the internet while there, and Jude... after having had sufficient time waking up, started zeroing in on my laptop.

Apparently, he was curious to see what was happening in the monitor - guess to him it was a new TV to experiment with. Being slightly shy of my presence, he starts with a game of hide and seek - as seen here... which slowly becomes a 'can I hold your laptop?' (not shown here - but it is the actual reason why I'm touching my laptop monitor... to sort of dissuade him from doing just that - and avoiding a possible accident with him pulling my laptop all the way to the floor.

All in all, it was a cool action-reaction kind of game that lasted for at least 5 minutes - until the time Jude realized he won't be getting anywhere with his attempts to commandeer my laptop.

Still, it does makes a cute picture. Bernice took this, as she was likewise enjoying the game Jude and I were playing.

Day 29, May 08, 2011

Hammer time!

Yup these were the Thor tickets - proof positive that we did indeed watch Thor - in 3D.

So how was it? Well, if I weren't nitpicky, I'd say I enjoyed the movie for its fast paced, light hearten story - and that it was nice to see Thor in an actual live action (with CGI generated images) movie.

Chris Hemsworht gave a credible rendition of Thor, and the only change I did not find necessary was turning the character of Jane Foster (played by Natalie Portman) from nurse to doctor (int he comics) to a doctor of Physics.They also got rid of the Don Blake persona - so I guess they need not have paid for another actor.

But I did like the fight scenes with the Destroyer - and whoa, this destroyer can really be flexible when stuck - I didn't see that coming... but great idea. Another great idea was Thor using Mjolnir to keep Loki in place (rather quick thinking of Thor too, considering that the enchantment was just recently placed by Odin, but yeah... it was a cool move.

Overall, it wasnt' something that made me leap up and shout "Excelsior!" or "Yeah!", but I must say that the movie was worth watching... even Barbie liked it. You might be asking why just three tickets? Simple, Bernice had to go to a classmate's place, so she had some schedule conflicts - but she shrugged it off as simply saying, she'll watch it when it comes out in DVD. 

Day 28, May 07, 2011

Free Comic Books:

Every First Saturday of May - or is that every first Saturday of May that does not fall on a holiday, the United States comic industry has made it a practice to have 'Free Comic Book' Day (or FCBD) - a day meant to try and attract new readers to the hobby... by giving away sampler - and of course, us old timer collectors like it too, after all... they are free.

This year's batch was relatively 'so so' though. The only real gem was the Amazing Spider-man story which ties into the comics continuity quite well, and makes many of us realize -  and appreciate how Spider-man learns some 'Kung Fu' fighting techniques from Shang Chi (Master of Kung Fu) to compensate for his lost Spider Senses (now when did that happen? See? even I miss out on a few things).

Of course, not all the issues in the picture are free, as I bought some of them - case in pint, the Avengers Academy issues). Did FCBD work? Yes it did, if we think along the lines that the day did introduce non-readers to the comics. Whether they get hooked or not, I wouldn't know. I mean, a day does not exact make reading these comic books a habit, right? And if it does make people read, it's another thing fore them to fork over Php 150 to 200 for one issue. I mean, ouch... most non collectors will easily balk at the const of comics these days. So I can't say if FCBD was really successful.

Nope... for that to happen, maybe they should introduce Free Comic Book Month - and make sure these people read comics for at least 30 days straight (thus forming a habit of it), and I would naturally love to take advantage of that kind of promo as well.

Indirectly, this reminds me that I have not gotten my comics from my regular shop for a month and a half now. Must make time for that.

Day 27, May 06, 2011

Danggit and Pusit!

Two of Cebu's well know dried foods specialties, the Danggit (small dried fishes) and Pusit (small dried squid) when cooked in oil, make a very crunchy treat - normally taken for breakfast with scrambled eggs or cut tomatoes... depending on one's tastes.

But in this instance, I'm taking it for dinner with Barbie. After all, since her officemate had just arrived from Cebu bringing this, we just had to try it out... ans waiting for breakfast was outof the question, mind you. It's not that we've never eaten it... nor for that matter, have not had it for a very long time - nope. It was a simple case of 'this is easier to prepare for dinner', so prepare dinner with it as the main dishes was it.

A quick note: we normally either take just the Danggit or the Pusit with the eggs or other condiments- but in this case, we once again decided that the easier choice, rather than deciding which to cook, was to simply cook both. I was not going to complain with that logic for obvious reasons.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 26, May 05, 2011


I rarely see benches shaped this way (a circular pattern), so I had to take a picture of it. I would have taken a wider angle shot to cover all sides to the bench, but there were some people seated on the left side of said bench, thus I focussed on just a portion of said bench - but one which when looked upon, is fairly obvious of it's roundness.

If you're wondering where exactly this location is, it's one of the Starbucks - one I rarely frequent, hence my not seeing the bench. It's not that I've never been here before... but I opted to stay with friends on the ground floor of said Starbucks - thus not allowing me a view of this weathered - yet still unique bench.

Day 25, May 04, 2011


This is Buffy in flight - or so it seems. She's actually leaping from the floor - with a running start, towards the sofa. In this case, she is after an infrared dot coming from a flashlight/pointer being held by Ben.

When I saw this playful display, I set the camera to full auto with flash because Buffy was moving too fast for me to capture - at least, with the limited set-up time available... after all, this was an impromptu play. It's not the first time they've been doing this play (though to Buffy it may feel more like intensive training), so I knew what to expect. It's just the configuration as to the shot's proper settings had to be fast to capture the leap without making Buffy look like a blur.

Day 24, May 03, 2011


This is my typical dinner nowadays - grilled veggies care of Barbie and the grill plate I got her last year. I try to avoid eating rice in the evening whenever I can, and this grilled dish is actually (and surprisingly) delicious., It's mainly composed of bell pepper, eggplant, tomatoes, carrots and fresh greens - the only veggie not grilled.

Barbie uses extra virgin olive oil in both the grilling part and as salad dressing - with balsamic vinegar and topped with either feta cheese or whatever cheese you can find (I also use parmesan cheese when feta is not available). The juice beside the plate can be any citrus-based juice drink - in this case, I'm taking grapefruit. It's tanginess makes a nice counterbalance to the salad's taste.

One of the great discoveries about this kind of salad is how the grilled vegetables actually have a meaty taste - I kid not... heck, it even looks it in the picture - though don't expect porterhouse steak tastes. So I can actually imagine eating some meat while taking the salad.

Underlying benefits? I'm full but not stuffed with heaviness - and everything is healthy. That said, I'm no health buff - but I do know I have to watch what I eat. Eating this way though... I need not watch too closely.

Oh yeah... those bread sticks on the far side are garlic sticks. Another great addition to the dinner I've had and will occasionally have in the near future.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 23, May 02, 2011


These days, it's rare that I get to see sunlight when I leave the office - more often than not, I just see darkness from the fact that I leave work around 7pm. Then again, when I get a chance to finish what I need done by 6pm (which is officially the time I'm supposed to clock off work) I get to see the clouds as their color turns from shades of yellow to orange to near violet before it turns dark.
I've always wanted to get a shot of the sunset... preferably, from a beach like Boracay... but until then, I can practice with urban sunsets in which I work extra hard to make my composition look interesting. For example, clouds will just look ordinary... but insert that silhouette of tree branches in one corner... just enough to break teh monotony of the picture, and it becomes even more presentable.

So yeah,,, even as I take my normal route hoem I try to spy opportunities for a shot. There is this one items I'm trying to take too - but there is a challenge to taking it... for one, moving traffic (and I'm part of said moving traffic), Anyway, once I get said shot done in a respectable manner, I'll just show it here.

Day 22, May 01, 2011


Yes, those are all carps out positioning each other for a possible morsel to be dropped to them by people with bread crumbs at the boardwalk of a lake (presumably man-made) found at the Nu Valley in Laguna. When I saw this many carps, I was surprised... I mean, I remember Mon once telling me a possible trick to use so fishes will approach my position for  more populous shot of fishes.

Well in this instance, I don't think said trick is both needed  - nor will work to further improve (as in further populate the area) for a better shot.

I took several shots in an unhurried manner since the fishes did not seem to be going anywhere - too busy jockeying for positions to get food. In this instance, I felt glad to take the pictures and at the same time a bit worried for the fishes - this kind of pushing can't be totally healthy for them.
Lest you think this is a case of overcrowded ponds, no way... the lake is vast, and the fishes have all the room - both depth and breadth to explore. It's just that they have gotten accustomed to being fed here, that they have the tendency to crowd around.

I hope to visit Nu Valley some other time, and hope to see these carps again.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Day 21, April 30, 2011


I'm normally not up too early and out of the house on Saturdays - I mean, I'm already doing that each day of the week day, I'd like to rest a little longer on Saturdays. 

Not this particular Saturday though. I did get up and prepare for a morning meeting with some colleagues - to discuss a possible business venture.

Since I came early, I ordered breakfast, then commandeered a long table for our use, started to charge my cell phone and wait. Then I realized how picturesque my surrounding was, and the rest you see. Great furniture... great window view (though it got a bit hot as the day wore on), and great healthy food (that is, if you know what to choose in Starbucks), so yeah... it may be a motto - but Starbucks seems to be the third place between work and home for me.

As for our meeting's agenda, it looked promising - and we've decided to continue this every two weeks. That means I still get to see my colleagues: Gina, Mon and Benj on a regular basis... even if it isn't a Bacardi night. 

Now isn't that worth waking up on a Saturday for?

Day 20, April 29, 2011


What do balloon vendors do to seek shade in a hot summer day? Nothing, they need but hold their balloons and those colorful weightless items will form a shade for them to stay under... even better, so long as they still have not sold the balloons, their shade happens to be portable - meaning wherever they go, their shade follows (unless they let go of all their balloons, of course). Now how's that for keeping cool?

I took this photo using my zoom lens, and I know I could have done better with a tripod. In that sense the picture is a bit blurry - but hey, it was still a picture with a story and a pledge to always be more prepared with any photo opportunity.

So... to beat the summer heat, are you willing to hold a lot of balloons? Probably not - unless you happen to be the balloon vendor. Me... I'll just wear a cap... or stay indoors. You see, I don't think lugging around about 50 balloons will fit my image.

Day 19, April 28, 2011

Capiz Windows:

In the olden times (as in my grandparent's times - I think) these windows would be a regular design pattern for most houses inspired by Spanish architecture and local materials. The capiz, as a window adornment was nti just stylish, but functional.

Later, when wooden houses gave way to the more durable cemented walls and glass windows, these capiz designs would endure in provinces - but their preferences and visibility were obviously connected to ancestral houses... and the capiz window would slowly fade from everyone's collective memories. Last I saw these type of windows was from a friend's house in San Juan - and yes, it was an old house... a bygone (and now gone) reminder to a more elegant time. Back then, since the capiz windows were old, they projected age... and a weathered look. In fact, the house was torn down to make way for a high rise condominium.

Shift now to 2011, and the capiz window seems to have gained a resurgence for elegant anachronism - and people who see it are reminded of simpler days. My seeing it in a relatively new Starbucks, was a nice surprise, and it elicited memories of having comfort and elegance. Definitely something to glance favorably at... both shade to the harsh sunlight, and fashion statement contrasting to the urban jungle's predominant look.

I, for one, am glad it's come back.

Day 18, April 27, 2011


Yes, those are pipes and an aircon duct... and yes, that is a ceiling I was focusing on. Firstly, it was all black, so I tried getting the picture with the intent of seeing if the shapes can still be seen despite the background being all black. 

Apparently, I miscalculated the camera's capacity to capture light, so it seemed a bit brighter than it really was - I guess, I should have adjusted the aperture a little more... to lessen the light coming in, but I guess then it (the picture's shapes) would be less visible. I could have photoshopped the picture to see less... but let's just say I'd like to remind myself that there are still a lot things I need to learn - and consider this as just a work in progress. 

Day 17, April 26, 2011


I vaguely recall a cartoon wherein the dog is given a dog biscuit and it swoons blissfully before finally reverting back to it's usual nature. Of course, cartoons are just that - however, I did notice that when I give Bubbles a particular snack, she loves eating it... taking her sweet time, savoring it 'til the last bite.

It's Pedigree's green tea flavored snack (yes, it's green tea flavored - at least, that's what the label says, and I'm trusting them in that regard... no need to taste test it here), and Bubbles just loves it when I give her such a snack. Notice how her front paws hold the stick upright... the better to bite into and chew it, of course... and if you still wonder if she is indeed in bliss - well, just look at her expression. That should say it all.

Day 16, April 25, 2011


As far as projects go, this one's a doozy... unfortunately, I can't talk more about it. But Monday was a milestone of sorts; well actually, Saturday was, but it being Holy Week and all, this one went by with little fanfare. That was remedied come Monday wherein we all had a little gathering (and eating) to recognize said fact that we are now officially in our 100 days countdown.

Depending on how you look at it, this can feel daunting - or challenging. Though I cannot give details of the project, let me just say that the project's team is one very committed bunch - and by that I mean dedicated... not crazy. They are paving the way in showing how capable they are in meeting deadlines - and not just meeting it, but exceeding certain expectations.

This project is putting the Philippines on the map of IT excellence... and I, for one, am glad to be a part of the team. I'll even be glad when the 100 days are finally done and we prove successful.

Day 15, April 24, 2011


A celebratory day for Christians around the world, and a cornerstone of Religious belief, Easter represents Christ risen from death, and with it everyone's (believers anyway) salvation. Ironic how I am currently reading a book that looks at both sides of resurrection. One viewpoint being it did not happen... and of course, it's counterpoint being it certainly did... and both by the same author.

For children though, such debate remains alien to them... instead they focus on Easter egg hunts - blissfully unaware of how improbable it would be for bunnies to associate with chicken eggs. Instead they hurriedly rush through gardens or hotel lobbies in search for these hidden eggs - oh yeah, and chicken eggs have been replaced by more durable and flexible plastic ones - in which candies or chocolates are placed in them, These are certainly more endearing to sugar-happy children.

I wonder if there is a lesson in this somewhere... how acceptance and bliss can play into belief and religion. How differences can be glossed over as unimportant for one's happiness. Ah, to be a child again.

Day 14, April 23, 2011


Few snacks are supposed to be eaten during Holy Week. For one it's the fasting part that others follow (meaning eating less food overall within the day) and the other is the Abstinence part (which means limiting one's options to anything but meat - like pork and beef... and to some extent, chicken). So one would wonder what snack - if there were any, would fit into the 'season'?

Why not a kropek? At least, the ones with shrimp or fish flavor? This snack is a crunchy delight - and one need but add vinegar to this treat to make it even more (or less... depending on the vinegar's taste) a cornucopia of clashing... yet complimentary flavors. It's relatively light - if you ignore the fact that these things are normally cooked deep fried... but there are less oil-excessive ways to cook these too (just like this one in the picture) making this snack even more guilt-free.

Taking this picture was a bit of a challenge - I wanted to capture the kropek's texture, yet wanted to still make it's surrounding (other kropek) visible as well. Judging form the picture, I might have been partially successful - and blogger settings not withstanding, it does look better if the picture was larger. Ah well... the limits of natural lighting.